God is always looking to take us to higher levels. He desires for us to grow spiritually and excel in every area of life. Change is often a catalyst for growth in our lives. It keeps us from getting stuck in a rut. God will supernaturally open and close doors to keep us on the path toward our destiny.
He'll allow or cause us to move out of our comfortable positions and stretch us because He loves us far too much to allow us to live in a place mediocrity. You may find yourself in a perfectly good situation for years, but just as God opened that door, He can close it as well.
God is intentional, and you should be, also. Nothing happens by accident. God is ordering your steps. That means if someones treats you unfairly, if you experience setback after setback, if you lose a loved one, or if you're having trouble on your job, you can either embrace that change so God can use it to take you higher, or you can resist it and end up becoming stagnant and settling for mediocrity.
Stay open for change. It may seem or even be negative at the start and on the surface, but remember that God would not allow it if He didn't have a purpose for it. If you'll embrace that change, the trouble and trials that you thought would defeat you, will actually elevate you to your divine destiny.
Trust God and His processes. He's in control.