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Jesus' Name is Magnificent


Jesus' name is magnificent! His name is full of marvel, miracles, delight, love, joy, and peace (I could go on). There's truly something about the name Jesus. It is the sweetest name I know. He is the Almighty God who closed the lion's mouth for Daniel, parted the Red Sea for Moses, made the sun stand still for Joshua, opened the prison doors for Peter, put a baby in the womb and arms of Sarah, and raised Lazarus from the dead. Jesus also lives in our hearts and is wanting to be a miracle in our lives, as well.

So, take your problems and worries, wrap them in a container, and close the lid as tight as you can. Then put it into the magnificent and dependable hands of Jesus. Now walk away, don't look back, and don't take it back. Countless things we fret and worry about never occur - so let Jesus have your problems. Jesus will give you His peace and life as an even exchange for your issues and problems. In fact, the victory has already been secured for you and I on Calvary.

O Bless the magnificent and wonderful name of Jesus! No other name I know.

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